Picture Show Entertainment specializes in providing affordable family entertainment through high quality theaters. The theater features an updated design with a bright inviting atmosphere, new electronic plush leather reclining seats, café style foods, an upscale beer and wine bar and full digital projection and sound presentation.
Bring your family out to the theater, get a hamburger, some popcorn, or even chili cheese fries with an ice cold coke! No need to stop at the ticket counter, you can purchase your movie tickets at the concession counters when ordering your food and drinks!
Visit the Picture Show Website
1771 E Highway 69
Prescott, Az. 86301
Located behind the Frontier Village Shopping Center, directly behind Harbor Freight Tools
Office line: (928) 237-5028
Movie Showtime Line: (928) 515-2392
The Theater opens every morning approximately 30 minutes prior to the first movie showing of that day.